So very recently we built a coop and took on some 2nd year chickens, so that we may be that little more ethical. I'll explain the chickens in a post to come.
I am cutting dairy out of my diet and my family is replacing their dairy with an organic dairy producer who allow their male calves to live. I'll write more on this too.
It can be a difficult thing to make the transition, and the first step is awareness/education. For those who are considering a move to vegetarian or vegan living, I hope that the information I provide will be helpful to you. To anyone who puts up anti veg sentiments or accuses myself of being judgemental, I do not give judgement i give facts. Scientific fact backs up that being veg is a better choice environmentally, ethically and for the body. It is up to each individual what they choose to do. Its not up to me to judge.