About Me

Mother, Partner, artist, vegetarian, slave to a borzoi, thinker, doer, magicker, pagan, nature, fashion, recycled, dog-showing, researcher, creator, imaginer.....

Monday, May 30, 2011

ethical eating, some things to think about.

Because of a special friend I have recently been confronted with the reality that being vegetarian, while a good step ethically, environmentally and for the body, it is not enough for myself. Its akin to eating no meat except chicken, its still unethical. as an ovo lacto vegetarian the cows still suffer and baby roosters are still killed because they're not economically viable.

So very recently we built a coop and took on some 2nd year chickens, so that we may be that little more ethical. I'll explain the chickens in a post to come.

I am cutting dairy out of my diet and my family is replacing their dairy with an organic dairy producer who allow their male calves to live. I'll write more on this too.

It can be a difficult thing to make the transition, and the first step is awareness/education. For those who are considering a move to vegetarian or vegan living, I hope that the information I provide will be helpful to you. To anyone who puts up anti veg sentiments or accuses myself of being judgemental, I do not give judgement i give facts. Scientific fact backs up that being veg is a better choice environmentally, ethically and for the body. It is up to each individual what they choose to do. Its not up to me to judge.


  1. Hey mate u might be interested in this blog:- http://quirkycooking.blogspot.com/p/dairy-free-substitutes.html
    All her recipies are dairy free and she uses some interesting substitutes!

  2. Fantastic. thanks for that. :) are you a vego? I probably already asked you.

  3. I aspire to be and I really respect you for having the strength to do it! I did try for a short time and found it really hard so now I only eat chicken and fish. Your last post really makes me want to give up chicken now - and eggs! How do you do it? Does your family still eat meat and if so do you always have to cook two meals?

  4. it was hard to not eat meat. But now i'm fine. Removing dairy is tougher in many respects and i really like to use eggs. which is why we got our own chooks. It did take a lot of strength (and support) to be honest but then i realised how tasty vegetarian food is. I have mexican and indian regularly and i actually think i eat much nicer food now. It helps that my OH and kids are also vegetarian.

    I'll be putting up a vid in the next few days that a friend says will convert almost anyone. I haven't watched it yet.
